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Driver’s bag no.311 and no.312

 traditional driver’s bag. Made out of brown leather with a metal frame, soft leather inside, adjustable nylon webbing carrying strap and four separate pockets and a pen holder inside. A great tool for efficient fare collection!

The 311 and 312 are identical except for an external pocket on the 312. The bags have metal eyelets on the outside (the 311 has them on a leather flap, the 312 has them on the external pocket lid) that can hold a 4, 5 or 6 tube coin dispenser. There is room inside the bag for a purse, time tables, tickets, ticket punch etc.

Size: 250 x 180 x 80 mm

Cambist drivers bag no.311 front with 5 tube coin dispenser
Cambist drivers bag no.311 front

Driver’s bag no.311 without pocket

Cambist drivers bag no.312 front

Driver’s bag no.312 with pocket

Cambist drivers bag no.311 front with 4 tube coin dispenser

Driver’s bag no.311 with a 4 tube dispenser hanging from the leather flap on the front

Cambist drivers bag no.312 front with 5 tube coin dispenser

Driver’s bag no.312 with a 5 tube dispenser hanging from the lid of the front pocket

Cambist drivers bag no.312 back

Back side of both no.311 and 312

Cambist drivers bag no.312 front pocket with content

Front pocket of no.312

Cambist drivers bag no.311 open

Empty interior of no.311 and 312

Cambist drivers bag no.311 open with content

Filled interior of no.311 and 312

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