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The Cambist cash fare collection system
The Cambist coin dispenser is an efficient and easy to use cash fare collection system on board your bus, train or tram. You simply sort the received coins into their tubes and then give correct change with the tip of your thumb.
The core of the Cambist cash fare collection system is the coin dispenser. It is an efficient device to sort, store and eject coins. The dispenser can be used as a stand-alone unit or in combination with for example a coin table, a conductors bag or a purse.
Our dispenser can be built to hold up to 8 different coins of any currency, in any combination. It can easily be rebuilt to match new coins in circulation.
In our product range you will also find products to match and supplement the dispenser and coin table, such as attachment stands, bags, purses and more.

Spare parts
We offer a full range of spare parts for all our products. From the detailed view in our brochure you can find the item number for the sprecific parts you are looking for!
Download English brochure » (PDF)

Up to 8 tubes. All coins in any combination. Your choice.

The link between the dispenser and the coin table. Just click in.

Many sizes & shapes. Got a ticket machine? No worries.

Tickets, time tables, bank-notes. It’ll all fit.

Adjustable or fixed. Floor or wall mount. We got it.

Coins and notes, easily accessed right on your hip.
Cash fare collection for all coins and any bus